Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Just sketching

Venue: Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, 20130312

I am taking a pause from watercolours during my Tuesday evening life drawing classes. I want to focus on developing my drawing skills. I am happy with the results, I feel relaxed when I sketch which gives me time to think about composition and execution.

Sketch by David Meldrum 20130312
A4 paper, 2 minute sketch. 20130312

Sketch by David Meldrum 20130312
A3 paper, 5 minute sketch. 20130312

Sketch by David Meldrum 20130312
A3 paper, 10 minute sketch. 20130312

Sketch by David Meldrum 20130312
A4 paper, 2 minute sketch. 20130312


  1. I follow this blog since a while and i'm very surprised by the great variety of models you can draw. Is finding models so easy in Stockholm?
    Your sketches are full of life and I really love your work. Thanks for sharing !

    1. Thank you Flo for your nice compliments. I have never thought about if we have lots of models here in Stockholm, maybe we do, I don't really know as I have nothing to compare to. I certainly have no problem finding a life drawing class everyday of the week except Sunday and possibly Monday. I attend 2-3 each week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. On the last Friday of each month there is even a music and naked dance session at one of the venues, I've never been to that one as it is in the middle of the day unfortunately. Thank you for following my blog! :)

  2. setxu9:19 pm

    I like it a lot, the way you sketch its gorgeuos.
