Monday, August 08, 2016

This blog is moving to

Yes, this blog is moving to
I've grown tired of and the non-commitment of Google to support it.
I have therefore switched to Wordpress as my blogging tool of choice and installed it on my domain,

It will take a number of weeks before I have re-linked some images that didn't make it in the transfer. Once this is complete I will redirect Blogger traffic to

If all goes well you won't notice much of a change. I value all of you who vist this site, I hope to regain an enthusiasm for blogging once again. Thank you for your support! :)

Plein air watercolour at Nybrokajen, central Stockholm. 2016 08 01

1 comment :

  1. setxu1:55 pm

    Fantastic one, and i´ll see you there.Thanks for sharing.
