Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Still waters

Like this watercolour, I have been quiet these last few weeks. I've been busy with other things, life hasn't put enough hours into each day. I seem to be going through a bit of a grey period. All my watercolours have a desaturated look all of a sudden. I don't mind, it's just a period in my life.

Sailing to Sandhamn 50 x 32 cm - Arches rough 300g W&N watercolours


  1. setxu1:41 pm

    Well I don´t see a desaturated look, I see alovely transparent and full of ligth watercolor. The only "but" it would be the simetry in the boats.But I like it.

    1. Hi setxu, if you are wondering where I am these days, I'm fine - just not blogging and sadly not painting and drawing too much either. This last week my mother visited me, she flies home today. I have of course been giving her 100% attention. Hopefully I can get into the groove tomorrow - after she has left, I feel I have a lot of catching up to do.
