Sunday, March 16, 2014

Inspiration is important

Venue: Basis, Stockholm. 20140315

I've drawn this model too many times, I know all her poses, no surprises. I'm not blaming the model, I just wasn't able to get it on. Saying that, I am actually happy with the first sketch. The other fifteen or so sketches from the session were well below standard.

Later:. 20140317
Man, I'm grumpy when I don't feel so well. I gotta stop moaning, life is too short for negatives. I am looking forward to new, positive, life drawing opportunities this Tuesday evening. :)

Nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute watercolour nude

Nude by David Meldrum
Ten minute watercolour nude


  1. setxu1:29 pm

    Never seen such a negative coments in my life,but it´s even worse when you see the results. Wonderful as usual congratulations, they are fantastic.

    1. Thank you setxu for putting regular sunshine into my life!
