Thursday, January 31, 2013

Love and hate - life drawing

The venue: The Swedish Academy of Realistic Art in Stockholm.

I love the female nude and I'm not happy with the male model. Basically I am not used to spending two hours solely on one painting. This picture is a good example, I spent so much time on the male that I ended up with a mess, I nearly didn't have time to paint the female so I rushed her and the illustration turned out so much better! I am just used to short poses, it's going to take a while to relax when spending more time on a painting. It's not a problem, I am enjoying every minute of my self-dissatisfaction. ;)

Watercolour of two models by David Meldrum
Watercolour of two models on A3 paper. 20130131


  1. setxu9:25 pm

    That´s a very good way of spend two hours, and a lovely end,I think you are too critic with your work, if I were you i would be proud of myself.

    1. The atelier is in a large old house on the top floor, classical music plays in the background as we draw and paint. It is a wonderful and relaxing two hour experience.
      I am very critical of myself, I know. My urge to improve is so great, I rarely allow myself to be totally happy with a sketch or painting. It is what drives me forward. I rarely get frustrated and depressed about it, most of the time I really enjoy myself.
