Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Final life drawing session for 2012

Konstnärshuset, 20121211

Not many turned up for this final session, lots of snow and pre-Christmas stress keeping them away I guess. I was not able to concentrate very well during the evening so I played with my watercolours. Playing is a very important way to learn and improve, isn't it!? ;)

10 minute sketch 20121211 by David Meldrum
10 minute sketch 20121211

10 minute sketch 20121211 by David Meldrum
10 minute sketch 20121211

10 minute sketch 20121211 by David Meldrum
10 minute sketch 20121211

I have a whole bunch of quick sketches that I executed on watercolour paper, they are from the last four life drawing sessions, I plan to colour them during the Christmas holidays. 

5 minute sketch 20121211 by David Meldrum
5 minute sketch 20121211


  1. setxu9:15 pm

    I´ve just find you surfing on the web and you can be sure I´ve felt in love whith your watercolors

    1. Thank you sextu for liking my watercolours! :)

    2. setxu9:03 pm

      No need to thank, you can be sure it´s a real pleasure
