Sunday, October 18, 2015

Better late than never

Yeap, it's been a few weeks since I last published. I have a good excuse though, my son was visiting, he lives in Tokyo so it was real nice spending some time with him. I plan to visit him in January, I can't wait, I've never been to Japan.

Here are my life drawings dated 20151010. Location: Basis, Folkkungagatan, Stockholm

Ten minutes on A3 paper

Ten minutes on A3 paper

Three to Five minutes on A3 paper

Two minutes on A4 paper

Two minutes on A4 paper

Two minutes on A4 paper


  1. setxu1:25 pm

    I forgive you because of your son´s visiting, but I was starting to get anxious. I´m hooked to your life drawing. Your sketches, as you always do, fantastic, the hability to capture poses is almost incredible, "just a few lines and a smudge", and nothing else is needed. Congratulations. I hope you have a very good meeeting with your family and I´m sure youl enjoy a lot your trip to Japan. I´m going to be waiting for landscapes I´m sure you´ll paint in there.

    1. Thank you setxu! Yes, painting landscapes in Japan would be really great!
