Sunday, February 09, 2014

The less time the better

Honestly, the more time I spend on a drawing the more I wreck it with uncertainty. Keeping it pure isn't easy after two minutes. This is why I haven't shown any of my drawings that were longer that two minutes this time around.

Nude by David Meldum
Two minutes

Nude by David Meldum
Two minutes

Nude by David Meldum
Two minutes

Nude by David Meldum
Two minutes

Nude by David Meldum
Two minutes - plus a little more shading


  1. setxu1:49 pm

    As you usually do fantastic work, it has what is needed but nothing else, and only in 2 min.

  2. Thank you setxu! I feel the urge to watercolour, longer than two minutes as well, hopefully I can find more time in the near future.
